VB.Net Roslyn Debugger replaces square brackets with round brackets in display

When debugging a VB script and looking at the value of a string property directly, the debugger replaces square brackets with round brackets. This is only a display issue and does not change the actual value of the property.

This is the correct value (the new line is missing but that is expected in this view):

When looking at the value directly it changes the displayed string:

This does not happen in C# scripts:

Hope this helps,

Hi Felix,

Thank you for reporting this problem. It’s indeed a code in the Visual Basic expression evaluator that replaces with (), which was supposed to work for arrays only.

We have fixed it internally and push the fix as a part of the next NuBet update.

Kind regards,

Hi Felix,

We’ve just released an update to NuGet (version 9.1.2), where this issue should be fixed.

Kind regards,