Show parameters in custom methods


I’d like to show the parametrs signature of a method. I have manually inserted the methods in JsListMembers in the NeedCodeCompletion. I see the list of the method but if I choose one, then if I type “(” I dont see the parameter(s). Do I have to implement :
if (e.KeyChar == ‘(’ && e.CompletionType == Alternet.Syntax.CodeCompletionType.ParameterInfo)
? I thought that if I put the information in the member ParamText of the JsListMember obj I could retreive it when I type “(”.
thank you


Hi Dave,

This is correct. You can use the same IListMember to display parameter information.

Please have a look at the demo uploaded there:

You may also look at our TypeScript-based JavaScript parser - it handles code completion automatically.

A bit more information related to our parsers can be found here:


Thank you Andrew,
it helped me to finish the implementation


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