Hi, I'm using the WinForms Code Editor with C# parser. Many of my classes use multiple constructors, an empty constructor and a constructor with several parameters. In the Editor intellisense, when I type some code to create an instance, I'm only getting code completion for the empty constructor. For other methods with multiple signatures, the Editor correctly provides an up/down selection to enumerate them. Do you know if this is a known issue? Thanks and kudos on the very useful component suite!
I tried to reproduce this problem both with Advanced and Roslyn-based parser, and it seems to work fine for me.
For example, tried with RoslynSyntaxParsing demo and the following code:
public class Person
public Person()

public Person(string name)

public Person(string name, int age)
var person = new Person() - code parameter tooltip shows all overloads for me.
Could I ask you to provide a bit more details, and possibly a code snippet that we can use to reproduce the problem?
Here is a minimal example. The project is named EditorTest. In the project I create a new class called TestClass with 2 constructors. In my form load code a have this line to register my assembly with the lexer:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
When I create a new instance of the class in my script, the intellisense only gives me the first, parameterless, constructor.
Even in your example I only see one constructor. Could it be because I'm using an older version of the editor (2.1)?
I confirm that the bug is present in version 2.1, but it's been resolved in 3.1 and 4.0.
Could you try the the latest version?
I went ahead and purchased the Code Editor upgrade for $129 - is there a specific link I'd use to download the updated code editor component?
I've sent your link to the latest version of Extensibility Studio via e-mail.