Auto generate event handler method stub?

Can AlternetStudio generate event handler method stub? For example when user attaches event handler through code like:

        var comp = new MyComponent();
        comp.SomeEvent += Component_SomeEvent; 
        comp.SomeOtherEvent += (s,e) => Component_SomeOtherEvent(s,e); 

They usually don’t know the handler argument type. Is is possible by somehow the method stub be created like VS?


I’m assumming you’re editing text in the Text Editor and writing code like

var comp = new MyComponent();
comp.SomeEvent +=

At this point, we display the method name to be inserted when user presses Tab, however the event handler code is not generated.

We will look at implementing this functionality right after coming release.


Thank you Dmitry, it will be really helpful as otherwise there is no simple way to find method’s argument types.

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Hi Waseem,

This feature is planned for the coming update (expected next month).

Kind regards,