Announcement : AlterNET Studio 9.1 released

Hi everyone,

We’re glad to announce that a new version of AlterNET Studio is available.

AlterNET Studio 9.1 is a mid-cycle release focusing on improvements for all our core libraries: Code Editor, Scripter, and Form Designer.

Main enhancements include:

  • Support for CodeFix/Code refactoring features for C# and Visual Basic parsers.
  • Support for IronPython 3.4 script execution and debugging.
  • Code completion extended to work with third-party Python packages.

Read more about the highlights of the new version:

Kind regards,
Dmitry Medvedev
AlterNET Software

Does that include .NET 8 support by any chance? If it doesn’t, what’s the expected release date for that? Thanks.

Hi Sergey,

Support for .NET 8 has been implemented internally, but it’s not part of 9.1
We will release next mid-size update in mid-December, which will be compatible with .NET 8

Kind regards,

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