AlterNET Studio 8.1 released

Hi Everyone,

We have just released a new version of AlterNET Studio.

AlterNET Studio 8.1 is a mid-cycle update focusing on optimizations, improvements and bug fixes for all our component libraries, including Code Editor, Scripter and Script Debugger and Form Designer.

Main enhancements include:

  • Updated icons for code completion, debug menus and toolbars.
  • Performance optimizations of the code completion invocation.
  • Support for jumping to the declaration and completion of the matching braces in Code Editor.
  • Support for signing compiled assemblies with strong name and pfx certificate.
  • Running and debugging .NET 6 projects with implicit using.

Read more about highlights of the new version:

Refer to a complete release notes and version history:

AlterNET Studio 8.1 installation program and NuGet packages can be downloaded here:

Kind regards,

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