Advantages of Alternet Studio

Sorry to ask this question but can you tell us what are the advantages of Alternet Studio compared to VsCode or VS2022 Community which are free and seems to do the same things ?



Hi NeoXeo,

we use AlterNet to provide a VB.NET code editor form as part of our application. We make use of scripting in some parts of the application.

VSCode as an external editor for those scripts would be no good solution:
First con: we don’t want to install VSCode on client machines
Second con: editing those scripts with VSCode would not be possible as you would have to create a project first, initialize it with the assemblies of our application framework, and then you could start editing.
Third con: how to you export the script from the application to VSCode and read it back to our app after editing?

AlterNET has a different audience, as it does not target developers but users.

This is my point of view :wink:

Best regards

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Thank you very much for your answer.

With yours words “AlterNET has a different audience, as it does not target developers but users.” I have understand the real goal of Alternet Studio.

Thanks again and have a good day !

Best regards,