The Alternet Editor is compiled with a TargetFramework of .Net 4.5. Is there a must-have reason for 4.5, or is it possible to get a build for .Net 4.0? Our tool will run in a non-networked environment where getting a newer framework is not trivial -- currently the target computers have .Net 4.0 only.
PS: We use .Editor, .Syntax and .Common only
The main reason of requiring .NET 4.5 is that we use Microsoft Roslyn technology extensively in Code Editor, Script Debugger evaluation and Form Designer loading, and it depends on .NET 4.5.
However if you just use Editor/Common/Syntax/Advanced parsers, you do not need really Roslyn, and with very few modifications these sources can run on .NET 4.0
We're happy to include such modifications (under conditional defines) in the upcoming release, but you will need to re-target and recompile source code to use .NET 4.0.
Yes, we would appreciate this option. Thank you.
We have done required modifications, they will be included in the upcoming release (expected very shortly).