XML Namespace for WPF

Can you please add a XAML namespace to the WPF assemblies? This will make it easier to design for. You can do that by doing something like this:
[assembly: System.Windows.Markup.XmlnsPrefix(AlphaDrive.Windows.AssemblyInfo.XamlNamespace, AlphaDrive.Windows.AssemblyInfo.XamlPrefix)]
[assembly: System.Windows.Markup.XmlnsDefinition(AlphaDrive.Windows.AssemblyInfo.XamlNamespace, AlphaDrive.Windows.AssemblyInfo.XamlControlsNamespace)]

namespace AlphaDrive.Windows {
public static partial class AssemblyInfo {

public const string XamlNamespace = "http://schemas.alphadrive.com/2008/xaml/presentation";
public const string XamlPrefix = "alphadrive";
public const string XamlControlsNamespace = "AlphaDrive.Windows.Controls";

Hello Tony,
Thank you for the suggestion, we will try to implement it till the next public release.
kind regards,