IronPython Debugger


I would need to use a debugger for debugging my python code I’m currently getting an error which is being run by the scripter.

Is there any example class with all relevant implementations for debugging?

Thank you in advance.


Sure, the easiest way to start off with the debugging is to look at the Scripter.IronPython\QuickStarts\Debugger\DebuggerIntegration example.
For a more advanced demo, please see Studio.IronPython example application.
Both of them can be accessed through the DemoExplorer application, which should in your Start menu.


I am only able to run the Demo. The button for opening the project is disabled, so there is no access to the code.


Upon installation of AlterNET Studio, the demo projects are copied to C:\Users\Public\Documents\AlterNET Software\AlterNET Studio v.7\Demo\

You can just open one of the following solutions from this location in Visual Studo:
AlterNET.Studio.AllDemos.IronPython.sln (for WinForms)
AlterNET.Studio.AllDemos.IronPython.WPF.sln (for WPF)

Let me know if it helps.



I didn’t know that the AlterNET Studio installation was required to access the Demo Solutions.
Now I installed the Studio and got access to everything.
So it works thank you.